The motives behind UP’N’CHANGE

A challenging background

I often come across people who want to be coached, who have goals and aspirations, yet ultimately shy from taking the decisive step. For various different reasons: not enough time, no energy left to drive somewhere, not wanting or being able to admit that they need help or lack of the necessary budget for coaching. But there are also those who, after a few steps, become frustrated because they still need help. Who don’t want to show that they need support. Who fend off, suppress or ignore challenges. Or prefer to help themselves. To make progress when and where they want to, without talking to someone.

My idea

Sometime around August 2017, I had an idea: “I will digitalise my executive coaching experience”. I will pass on what I learned in numerous studies, various courses and from personal experience in a compressed, easily digestible form: “I am here to help, whenever I am needed. Out of the wide range of tools and methods, I will offer the most effective ones.” This way I can help others advance.

What drives me

My great wish is to make help accessible to all those who want to improve and advance in life. Without obstacles such as time, money or location. To thus open the way for a better understanding of the importance of mental health and emotional intelligence. To make the best of available potentials, to achieve one’s heartfelt wishes and ultimately become happier with life.

A lot of work, but rewarding

The development since August 2017 has been exciting; with all the ups and downs one can imagine. But my vision is driving me forward and Barbara and Peter, my business partners since 2019, have been unbelievably supportive. In a team, you not only ideally combine different skills but, above all, you can overcome all sorts of setbacks and obstacles. It makes me happy to see what has been achieved so far, even if ideas often come quicker than they can be put into practice. Step by step, we will turn our vision into reality! We offer individual help, in a digital way, whenever one needs it.

Change to Success.